ZENPREG® Carbon Fiber & Glass Fiber Prepreg

General Thermosetting Prepreg


ZENPREG® prepreg is produced using advanced production methodology and epoxy resin, allowing a wide range of fiber average weights (low, medium and high GSM), with different resin properties. Consistent quality can meet the applications including wind turbine blades, industrial equipment, sports equipment, electronic industry, etc
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Products FAW (g/m2) RC (%) Application feature
General Thermosetting Prepreg 75-300 25-50 Sports equipment, 3C electronic products, automotive industry, mechanical components, shoe material components
High FAW Prepreg 300-600 30-40 High FAW products, suitable for wind turbine blades
Flame Retardant Prepreg 100-400 35-50 UL94 standard, EN45545-2 standard
High Toughnes Prepreg 75-600 25-50 Has excellent process operability and long storage life, with excellent mechanical properties
Fabric Transparent non white sopt Prepreg 100-800 35-50 High transparency without white spots
High Tg Prepreg 75-400 25-50 High Tg: 180~220


Products High weight prepreg Flame retardant Prepreg / High tenacity prepreg High transparency without white spots Fast curing flame retardant prepreg High Tg prepreg Test Standard
Curing Conditions 120℃ / 2h or 80℃ / 10h 150℃/30mins 150℃/5mins 160℃/1h
Resin Content wt% 33 42 37 37 HB7336.5-2004
0°Tensile Strength MPa 1966 1720 2100 1700 ISO 527-5
0°Tensile Modulus GPa 126 127 126 130
90°Tensile Strength MPa 55 72.4 54.5 60.8 ISO 527-5
90°Tensile Modulus GPa 9 7.4 9.3 8.4
0°Compressive Strength MPa 1332 919 1320 ISO 14126
0°Compressive Modulus GPa 126 107 120
90°Compressive Strength MPa 169 145 240
90°Compressive Modulus GPa 9 7.9 9.4
ILSS MPa 74 110 ISO 14130
Tg 115 125 125 240 ISO 11357-2
Mechanical properties of the products will be different when using combinations in different grades of fiber and resin.
Different curing processes will affect the mechanical properties of the product.
Different curing conditions result in variations in the physical properties of the product. The specimens in the table above were fabricated using a hot pressing molding process, and experimental pieces were made using UD prepreg.
The data below applies only to this particular combination and should not be used for the basis of the design alone to establish specification limits. The properties of the composite depend on the fiber orientation, and the process conditions, like non-standard thickness, may change some of the physical property data of this composite.


Sports equipment

3C Electronic products

Automotive industry

Mechanical components

Shoe material components